HATI Solutions
HATI Solutions
ResDiary Indonesia

Advanced Promotions and Variable Pricing

With our advance promotions feature, you can sell specific menus or events on your own website, taking deposits and planning ahead. Rather than losing money through third party sites, offer your own incentives and watch your seats fill up.


Plan Ahead    

Be it today or in a week’s time, plan ahead and elect the dates and times you wish the offer to be available, and the date you wish customers to be able to start to reserve for it, then watch the reservations fill your diary.

Promote your Promotion

Get the ball rolling and promote your offer by using ResDiary’s free email marketing facility.  Direct the promotion straight to the inbox of the customers that will be most interested via your marketing lists.

Control your Promotion settings

Set your offer to be available to internal reservations only, to online clients via your mobile optimised ResDiary microsite, your Facebook and Twitter pages and more – and you’ll never pay any commission.

Variable Pricing

The traditional trend of dining at 19.30 on a Saturday is changing, with guests more easily persuaded into visiting at off-peak times.

Which is why ResDiary has introduced variable pricing. It lets you set menus for variable prices at different times, charging peak amounts at busy points. This in turn fills tables at quieter periods by offering competitively priced menus as an incentive.

Guests reserve directly with you, rather than going to a deal site, getting a great offer while you build your contact list for future promotions.